
I offer a free, twenty-minute consultation on Zoom to discuss your goals and expectations for treatment. After an initial email or phone call, I will send a Google event invite with a Zoom link in the description. At the date and time of the consultation, we will meet on the provided zoom link. After this consultation, you may choose to schedule the initial session or I will provide referrals for a clinician better matched for your individual needs.

Initial Session

To begin, we will review necessary paperwork and assess your experiences with and goals for therapy. I will also focus on gathering information and building rapport. The initial and ongoing session will be held over Zoom.

Ongoing Treatment

During our work together you can expect to be met with kindness, compassion, and challenge. We will work towards mutually agreed-upon goals and explore areas of your life and relationships that feel important to you or that may come up as we work together.


You own this work and your participation is voluntary. You are able to terminate treatment at any time. Typically, termination happens after therapeutic goals have been met and is decided upon by both of us. Ideally, the termination process will happen over 4-6 weeks.